Orders and Societies
- Astraea Society
- Order of Kratos
- Eirene Society
- Order of Hypnos
- Nyx Society
- Order of Dionysus
Why doesn’t Eastern Tsuga College have Fraternities or Sororities?
One of the most controversial eras of Eastern Tsuga College’s history was in the late ’70s when it moved to ban all Greek-lettered fraternities and sororities. This decision came after a series of hazing incidents resulted in three student deaths. The ban was only partially successful. The well-funded and lawyered-up fraternities could find plenty of wiggle room in the ban’s language to establish similar organizations.
The result was the fraternities and sororities moving off campus and reforming as “Orders” or “Societies” without the official Greek letters. All of the organizations adopted the names of characters in Greek myths. It was an effort to rub it in the face of the college’s administration.